Snack Recipes

Lord of the (Apple) Rings: Snack Edition

Lord of the (Apple) Rings: Snack Edition

This is the perfect snack for when your little gremlins are trying to pre-game dinner. These apple rings are also great for grown-ups who run on hobbit meal times (breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, etc.). You can even try wearing them on your fingers, but we wouldn’t recommend it. ;)

Healthy Summer Snack for Kids: Fro-Yo Grapes

Healthy Summer Snack for Kids: Fro-Yo Grapes

Need to cool down on a sweltering hot summer day? These fro-yo grapes are an excellent healthy summer snack for kids and they'll help the whole family cool down with icy grapey deliciousness. Assembling these grapes is extra fun because it involves toothpicks! So try these fro-yo grapes for an interactive afternoon snack! They also make a grape (!) excuse to play with your food.

Summer Fruit Pizza

Summer Fruit Pizza

Summer is just around the corner! Nothing beats the summer heat like a fresh and sweet Summer Fruit Pizza! Now, don't worry, this isn't fruit on a regular pizza, it's all sweet with none of the refined sugars. Summer Fruit Pizza is a healthy pizza that's perfect from breakfast to dessert! It's great to take to a summer BBQ, a graduation party, or a fun picnic. Summer Fruit Pizza brings the taste of summer to you, no matter the occasion!

Food Hacks: Make Your Own Strawberry Jam

Food Hacks: Make Your Own Strawberry Jam

Summer is finally here!! Which also means strawberry season is here!! We decided to try our hand at make your own strawberry jam. Turns out, it's super easy to make and tastes way better than what you normally buy in the store! Also, this jam requires no heat and cooking, has no added sugar, and is only 2 ingredients. If that's not a food hack, I don't know what is!

Watermelon Mint Lime Popsicles

Watermelon Mint Lime Popsicles

Watermelon Mint Lime Popsicles are a sweet and easy treat that can be eaten as an after school snack or a healthy dessert. Watermelons are a great source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C and can usually be found all year round because of how popular they are.