nutrition for kids

Christmas Cooking with Kids: Strawberry Santa Pops

Christmas Cooking with Kids: Strawberry Santa Pops

With so much decorating, shopping, and wrapping, we sometimes forget to stop and share the seasonal spirit with our little ones through food. It can be both easy and enjoyable to make Christmas cooking with kids a part of your December plans with our Strawberry Santa Pops! 

Kids and Treats: 8 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

Kids and Treats: 8 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

Every year, October rolls around bringing with it candy corn and peanut butter cups. This then transitions into a season of pumpkin and pecan pies followed by holiday cookies. It is possible to let children enjoy the treats of the season while still maintaining their health, wellness and balance. These practical tips for a healthy holiday season can help you navigate this season of kids and treats.

Why Whole Grains are Great for Kids

Why Whole Grains are Great for Kids

There is a big difference between WHOLE grains and REFINED grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel- the bran, germ, and endosperm. Refined grains have been processed, thus removing the bran and germ. Manufacturers do this to give grain foods a finer texture and improve their shelf life. The processing and refining of grains strips them of their fiber, iron and many vitamins and nutrients. Eating too many foods containing refined grains can lead to heart disease, diabetes and high levels of blood fats called triglycerides. That's why whole grains are great for kids, and refined grains should be avoided.