Recipes for kids

Healthy Easter Treat for Kids: Yogurt-Dipped Strawberry "Easter Eggs"

Healthy Easter Treat for Kids: Yogurt-Dipped Strawberry "Easter Eggs"

This week we'll be featuring 3 healthy Easter treats for kids in advance of Sunday's egg-stravaganza. These yogurt-dipped strawberry "easter eggs" are delicious, healthy, and Instagram-worthy. Now let's hop to it!

Fruit Ice Pops for Your Pops

Fruit Ice Pops for Your Pops

With Father’s Day around the corner and temperatures soaring into the 90s in NYC, we thought it would be perfect timing to make fruit ice pops, for your pops! If your dad loves food, these 4 ingredient ice pops will be an excellent way to say “thanks Dad, stay cool.” You can make them now to prepare for Father's Day or make them the morning of, but remember fruit ice pops need to freeze for several hours. And if mango isn’t your dad’s thing, you can easily swap in a different fruit. Happy Father's Day!

Food Hack: Make Your Own Salad Dressing, 4 Ways!

Food Hack: Make Your Own Salad Dressing, 4 Ways!

Make your own salad dressings are really fun to make for kid chefs. What could be more delightful than putting something in a jar and shaking as hard as you can? It can also be a fun science lesson: what is an emulsion? Why don't oil and vinegar like each other? And since you can make them so quickly, even the littlest chefs have the patience for these recipes.

Halloween Recipe for Kids: Mini Mummy Pizzas

Halloween Recipe for Kids: Mini Mummy Pizzas

It's almost Halloween! Get in the spooky spirit by making this Halloween recipe for kids: Mini Mummy Pizzas. Not only is it super delicious, it also has a secret hidden veggie. The dough is made out of cauliflower, and packs a whole serving of vegetables. Bonus points! 

O is for Orange Smoothie

O is for Orange Smoothie

This 4 ingredient orange smoothie is exactly what you need on a hot summer day like today. This smoothie tastes like an orange creamsicle. Amazing. Oranges are jam packed with vitamin c and rich in potassium, so time to get smoothie-ing!