
Healthy Easter Treat for Kids: Yogurt-Dipped Strawberry "Easter Eggs"

Healthy Easter Treat for Kids: Yogurt-Dipped Strawberry "Easter Eggs"

This week we'll be featuring 3 healthy Easter treats for kids in advance of Sunday's egg-stravaganza. These yogurt-dipped strawberry "easter eggs" are delicious, healthy, and Instagram-worthy. Now let's hop to it!

Y is for Yogurt!: Yogurt Ranch Dip

Y is for Yogurt!: Yogurt Ranch Dip

Y is for Yogurt! Yogurt is a healthy food that can be used in a lot of different dishes such as Yogurt Ranch Dip.Yogurt Ranch Dip is an easy to make dish that can be served for an after school snack or at a party! The best part about this recipe is that all the ingredients are simple so even picky eaters will love Yogurt Ranch Dip!